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Dedicated Vs. Non-dedicated Configurations

Dedicated devices are devices that are configured to meet the funding requirements of Medicare, Medicaid and most other funding sources. Dedicated devices mean that the device is "locked down" and unable to access various features of the device. Features that are disabled in dedicated devices include access to the Windows/iOS/Android "desktop," calculators, calendars, music players, etc. (features vary by device).

Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance clients can "unlock" their device (add the "integrated feature pack") for $15 after the device is received. Unlock your device

Medicare clients: You will also be required to submit a signed Advanced Beneficiary Notification (ABN) with your payment. For more information or to request an ABN, please contact the PRC-Saltillo Funding Department at (800) 268-5224 or Email:

Non-Medicare clients: To unlock your device, please click here to receive the unlock code immediately: Unlock your device. Or you can contact the PRC-Saltillo Order Management Department at (800) 262-1933 or Email: to pay the one-time $15 fee.

Self-pay customers can "unlock" their device at the time of purchase by selecting the non-dedicated option.

**Please note that PRC-Saltillo does not warrant any functionality of the speech generating device outside the terms of its express warranty relating to the intended use of speech generation. PRC-Saltillo does not warrant any third-party software, nor is it responsible for any injury, damage or claims arising from the function or malfunction of any third-party technology, websites, products, and software. Additional uses may require further clinical determinations beyond the scope of an evaluation for speech generation devices.