AACfunding.com will be under construction and offline starting at 12:01 a.m. ET on April 27 – May 2. Get ready for the all-new AACfunding.com that will provide you with a seamless, step-by-step...
It’s here…from trial to purchase, experience the all-new AACfunding.com for a seamless, step-by-step process to request a speech-generating device from health insurance! Collect the ...
Are you an AAC evaluator who has clients with private-insurance-only plans resetting on January 1? Are you a caregiver for a loved one needing an AAC solution with a private-insurance-only plan resett...
Do you know the ins and outs of funding for your speech-generating device (SGD)? At PRC-Saltillo, we understand the process and will work with you to ensure success. Follow these 5 tips to get started...