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Comfort Meets Durability In The Newest NovaChat® 8

  Posted on May 15, 2023 - 8:47am

As we celebrate Better Hearing and Speech Month, let’s explore new technology available in the NovaChat® device family to help more children and adults use their unique voices. Comfort meet...

    Products   -  prc, saltillo, prc-saltillo, aac, novachat, michael hershberger, chat software, wordpower

Minspeak Academy Master Class With Karen Kangas

  Posted on May 10, 2023 - 9:18am

Everyone has the desire and the ability to communicate despite physical and neurological challenges. The upcoming Minspeak® Academy (formerly Semantic Compaction Systems) master class led by Karen...

    Training   -  minspeak, minspeak academy, cognitive load, motor load, seating for function, positioning needs, aac, karen kangas

Summer Learning Opportunities For Professionals

  Posted on May 8, 2023 - 3:06pm

Summer is here and that’s a reason to celebrate! Thank you for a wonderful academic year of encouraging, inspiring, and helping others find their voice through AAC. Your work means so much! May ...

    Training   -  aac, speech language pathologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, assistive technology, touchchat, touchchat trainer program, the voice keeper, aac learning journey, aac language lab, minspeak academy, isaac conference


  Posted on May 2, 2023 - 2:49pm

It’s here…from trial to purchase, experience the all-new for a seamless, step-by-step process to request a speech-generating device from health insurance! Collect the ...

    AAC Funding   -  aac, aac funding,, evaluation, aac evaluation, medicare, medicaid, health insurance, how to fund an aac device, how to pay for an aac device,

Update Your Chat Software To Version 2.42

  Posted on May 1, 2023 - 8:24am

It’s time to update your NovaChat® device so you can enjoy new vocabulary features. Start by connecting to WiFi. Then go to Menu > Help > Check for Updates and follow the prompts. Wor...

    Software Updates   -  chat software update, software update, chat software, novachat, wordpower, aac, aac vocabulary, chat editor, wordpower