Experience the power of AAC in the palm of your hand! The brand-new six-inch Via® Nano joins PRC-Saltillo’s Trial Device Program! Take this small but powerful iOS device for an extended test drive.
Weight, screen size, button size, access method, and durability are all factors when selecting your AAC solution. The AAC Trial Device Program allows you to bring the device with you to all your spaces—home, school, work, and play—to determine if it’s the right fit for you and your family.
Interacting with a recommended AAC vocabulary file over a trial period helps you make decisions about button size, Keyguard or TouchGuide, and learner engagement. Bonus: Your vocabulary file can be saved to transfer to your purchased device!
Accessing your device well with a kickstand, Keyguard, or mount increases your potential with AAC. Trialing equipment along with your device helps determine if you have all you need for AAC success.
Through your trial experience, gathered data builds a stronger device recommendation for insurance approval.
If you are new to our Trial Device Program, welcome! Our free AAC Trial Device Program gives families the opportunity to experience a selected device, vocabulary, and accessories before purchase. Often required by insurance, borrowing an AAC solution is beneficial for our communicators to verify the best fit.
Most trials last four weeks, although a longer period may be approved based on funding source and/or individual needs. Best of all, a Trial Program Specialist guides you along the way, including an intake call at the beginning to answer all your questions.
In the trial program, you may select from our fundable (E2510) devices:
You may also trial corresponding accessories:
To trial a VersaEye®, connect with our Versa team at versa@prc-saltillo.com.
While our Trial Device Program is geared toward families, AAC professionals may request a device through the four-week Evaluator Loan Program to use with their clients in the clinic, hospital, VA, or school environments. The equipment can be used for evaluations at no cost, for up to four weeks.
Start your evaluation loan application here.