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Instructions For Fixing Accent With Empower (Windows 11)

On April 18, 2024 an issue occurred preventing the Empower software from loading on Accent devices. Following are detailed instructions for correcting the issue on Accent devices using Windows 11, including:

3 STEPS TO FIX YOUR ACCENT DEVICE (scroll to bottom for video instructions):

If you see a blue Windows screen, select Continue.  Do not select Troubleshoot.


Step 1:

First you need to temporarily set the date back to one month ago. You need to do this as quickly as possible once you see the Windows desktop. Note: If the device restarts before you can complete these steps, try again.

Select the Windows Start Menu icon located in the bottom task bar of the screen. 

Select Settings 

Select Time & Language 

Select Date & Time 

Turn OFF Set Time Automatically 

Select Change 

Change the month to March

Select Change, then Close the window 

Select Windows Start Menu, then select Restart. Empower will launch after the device restarts. Go to Step 2. 

Important: Resetting the internal clock to March 1 will ALSO reset Data Logging to March 1st. Anyone using Realize Language will find any NEW data now appearing on March 1st. That means any current data will become corrupted by new data. Folks who are using data logging should TURN IT OFF until the problem is resolved.

Step 2: 

Next you need to update Empower to receive the permanent fix that was released April 18, 2024.

Step 3:

Finally reset the Windows date back to today. 

Empower should now launch when the device is turned on or restarted. 

UPDATE 4/22 - We have had some instances where Spelling and Editing keyboards are not appearing after you updated your Empower software to version 1.23 2024-04-18.  If that is the case, please do the following:

If Restrictions are ON and set to Password, see Step 1. If Restrictions are OFF, go to Step 2.

Step 1: Override Password

Step 2: Reset keyboards

Check out our instructional video: