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Check out the newest features for TouchChat®, LAMP Words for Life®, and Dialogue® AAC when you update your iOS apps to version 2.46. And remember, your overall app experience improves with updates too. Go to the App Store to update today! 

iOS Personal Voice for all apps 

Create a Personal Voice for your AAC app with Apple's synthesized voice option available for devices with iOS 17. Develop your voice directly on your iPad® or iPhone®, save it to your device, and it can be integrated into your app when you select it from the settings menu: Settings > Voice > Choose Custom Voice > Apple Personal Voice.  

Learn more about this new feature and how to get started through Apple’s support article or step-by-step video. Note: This feature is currently only available for English voices and vocabularies. 

Learning word prediction for all apps 

Word prediction helps AAC users communicate faster and more efficiently. With update 2.46, you can now benefit from learning prediction. You’ll have the option of using a static or learning word dictionary when using word prediction on your keyboard. Words being predicted will be based on the frequency of the words you use. You’ll also be able to add, delete, or edit these words in the settings menu. To start using learning word prediction, turn it on in the settings menu. 

App Update 246 Word Prediction Settings

Head tracking improvements for all apps 

Head tracking just got even better in all AAC apps! You’ll be prompted to calibrate your head centering upon opening head tracking settings the first time. It takes just five seconds for the iOS camera to confirm your head position so you can experience increased accuracy for button activation. Well worth the time! There’s also an option to recalibrate if your app user changes such as for school or evaluation center devices. 

Note: The default option for Center Adjustment settings have been removed. You’ll be reminded to calibrate until the time is right for you.  

Movable cursor buttons added to LAMP Words for Life 

The new movable cursor in the speech display bar allows you to make changes when a mishit occurs rather than deleting everything in the display and starting over. This feature works by either placing a cursor with your finger or using buttons in the vocabulary to move the cursor. Toggle between character, word, and sentence button in the arrow center to show which way you want to move your cursor. This feature is available in English, Spanish, and Canadian French vocabulary files. 

246 App Update Movable Cursor Button

Did you know? The movable cursor feature is already available to use in TouchChat and Dialogue apps. 

Classic TouchChat reminder 

PRC-Saltillo’s three CLASSIC TouchChat iOS apps (Classic TouchChat with WordPower®, Classic TouchChat, and Classic TouchChat Lite) will be retired in early May 2024. View the list of frequently asked questions to learn more. 

New AAC vocabulary for WordPower 

Make note of these vocabulary updates within TouchChat.  

All English WordPower files 

In all English WordPower files, you can now access “Let’s” through the ACTIONS page or by selecting “clear” on the main page. 

2.46 Lets Clear Button

2.46 Lets Action Button

WordPower 60 Basic, 60, 80, 108 files 

The verb “charge” has been added to the main ACTIONS page. 

2.46 Charge Button

WordPower users can more easily tell you that they need to charge their device. The button to “charge my device” now follows the “I need…” button-action sequence. It can also be found through the SOCIAL page. 

2.46 To Charge Button

2.46 I Need to Charge Button

2.46 Charge Device Button

A button for Something hurts” is now available through the “Something’s wrong page. 

2.46 Something Hurts Button

All WordPower files 60 and above (Canadian French and Spanish included) 

Buttons have been added to the BODY page to give AAC users a way to talk about the health and safety of their bodies. Note: pages and buttons may be edited depending on your specific communicator's needs.  

2.46 Private Parts Button

Whiteboard, an app for drawing, collaborating, and sharing, is now available on the GROUPS page as well as within the SCHOOL page. 

2.46 White Board School Button

2.46 Ecole Tableau Blanc

WordPower 60 Francais 

A new button for “j’ai mal (I’m in pain)” has been added to the “Quelque chose ne va pas! (Something’s wrong)” page.

2.46 J'ai mal Button

WordPower 60 Espanol Basico - PCS  and SS 

In the WordPower 60 Spanish file, amiga and amigo have been added to the FIESTA page. A new button for “me duele (I’m in pain)” has been added to the “¡Algo está mal! (Something’s wrong)” page. 

Watch the video to learn more about app update 2.46. 

Where will your AAC app journey take you? 

Have you considered taking a LAMP Words for Life course to better help your clients? Or perhaps you would like to gain an in-depth knowledge of TouchChat and become a TouchChat Trainer? Would your loved one benefit from having their app on a dedicated device like the new Via® Mini? Your local PRC-Saltillo consultant is available to answer any questions about the best AAC solution for your unique needs. 

Software Updates